Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chris *heart*s Cloverfield

If you've been around me during the past few months you know how much I love this movie. I saw it twice in the theater, and with great excitement I bought it yesterday. After watching it last night I decided that it is precisely the movie that I want to be in. Oh, and I want to die in it. Or maybe in the second one. I mean, really, how awesome would it be to die in a well-produced monster movie? FREAKING awesome, that's how awesome it would be. I want to make that happen.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Duck Walks Into a Bar...

... and says, "Chris is moving to New York!" Yeah, if you haven't heard already, we're moving to New York at the end of May. The best part is that auditions have been few and far between, up until now that is. Since I told my agent a week ago that I am moving I've had three auditions, all of which I haven't been able to go to because I can't afford to take the time off of work. It kinda sucks how the acting industry works sometimes. And here I go wading into the deep end. This is gonna be sweet!!! I can't wait to shake things up!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

I plan on blogging about my acting career... check back for my many acting antics and zany adventures. What trouble will I get into next? Stay tuned!!

Love, Chris